DIRA 1.0: Drug-Induced Rhabdomyolysis Atlas

Drug-induced Rhabdomyolysis Atlas (DIRA) contains information on U.S. FDA approved drugs and its potential to cause rhabdomyolysis. A DIR classification scheme defined in the database was developed based on drug labeling information. DIRA mainly provides three folds of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis related information including a classification scheme for drugs’ potential to rhabdomyolysis, post-marketing surveillance data of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis and drug property information.

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Database statistics

# of drugs
# of Most-DIR concern
# of Moderate-DIR concern
# of Less-DIR concern
# of None-DIR concern


The content of this database of rhabdomyolysis is intended for educational and scientific research purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The views presented in this website do not necessarily reflect current or future opinion or policy of the US Food and Drug Administration. Any mention of commercial products is for clarification and not intended as endorsement.